20 March 2011

EIGHT months old!

Saturday, Riley turned eight months old.  He weighs in at 25 pounds and needs 18 month pants to go around his thighs.  It feels as if his first two teeth are on their way in soon.  He is trying really hard to crawl, but so far just scoots backwards on his belly until he gets stuck under something.  His sleeping habits aren't anything to brag on whatsoever, especially after vacation, where he picked up some bad habits.  His favorite pastimes are bouncing in his exersaucer, watching Brody and squealing.  He is very attached to a silky square when sleeping, prefering it to be over his face.  I suppose he has to block out the light from our bedside lamps somehow?  Oh, and his bedroom is getting primed right now!   I probably should be helping but I'm listening for the boys (who are fast asleep and will most likely not need us for hours yet).

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