29 June 2011

video by brody


Riley's first tooth is FINALLY poking through!

27 June 2011

who needs a swimming pool?

new talent

20 June 2011

father's day weekend recap.

brody was back to work this weekend laying carpet tiles.  he and kurt eventually got the shelving added to riley's closet too!  it is absolutely necessary to have your combine close by when 'orking hard' and pants are optional.
 riley is fearless at times.  he forgets that he can't walk yet and has a teeny tiny black eye and bruised elbows to show for his dare devil antics!
 i made the happiest cake i have ever seen for mike storm's birthday. 

 it was really dense though, so i guess i better whip out the butter and try some different white cake recipes before riley's birthday party.
 finally, we celebrated all the father's.  kurt got lots of his favorites all in one day...scones, homemade potato salad, grape salad and katy's cream cheese dip with teddy grahams.  the whole household took a nap too! 
who knew a lawn mower could be so fun?

happy father's day...just a day late!

15 June 2011

saturday night

this is what happens when grammy tries to go to bed before dark...

14 June 2011

the life of riley...

sunday afternoon, riley took full advantage of the perfect weather and just lounged in a chair for awhile.  he prefers for his feet to not touch the grass so he sat with his ankles crossed practically the whole time he was in the chair. 
 not to be left out, brody has a chair as well.  he doesn't sit and ponder the world around him near as long as riley, but i do think my chairs were hit and not a waste of $$ like a certain someone thought.  so there kurtie!

of course, shortly after this brody took off with aunt helen to do something.  i missed a great video opportunity as they both skipped, galloped and ran across the yard.

13 June 2011

Steph and Billy's Wedding

 congratulations steph and billy.  hope you have a great time on your honeymoon!
another family picture ruined by my squinty eyes...

07 June 2011

we have a crawler

06 June 2011


This is what we woke up to yesterday morning.  He likes to copy what others do around him...like trying to jump in his crib!

05 June 2011

summertime fun.

02 June 2011

we are saving $$...

we won't change his diaper until it's bulging, and he waddles when he walks.
or maybe we forgot a swim diaper over the weekend?

titty twister!