30 May 2009

Studio 21 - 4 month

Check out Shutterfly to see more.

28 May 2009

Paisley Layne visited FSA today!

Paisley was born four weeks after Brody, but wasn't due until March. She is petite compared to our chunk, but definitely a happy, healthy baby!

Green Beans still give me fits

25 May 2009


Brody loves to have his right hand in his mouth when he eats...thus, eating is messy. I am trying to curb this habit, but sometimes he's quicker than I am. Today he had his first taste of fruit in the little mesh bag feeder thingy. Regardless of his faces, he really did enjoy the strawberry.

First visit to the field.

Here comes Daddy...Happy to see us.
and Brody was happy to see his Daddy!

21 May 2009

Hail to the Chief

18 May 2009

Cowboy up!

(again, i'm unsure how i have successfully 'turned' videos before, but i failed again this time. between kurt and brody, it's worth a kink in your neck to watch!)

I had to share my toys!

Saturday, we had a house full of kiddos and adults. Drew and his mommy Tracy and daddy Jess drove down to catch up. Leo and his mom Sarah were in town so they stopped by. We also invited Colby and her mom, Kelly, and Gabrielle and her mom Allison. Drew is like a monkey and was almost crawling. Poor Leo was recovering from a cold, but he hung out near the gym with me. Colby rested for quite awhile or maybe she was playing possum and checking us out? At any rate, my play area was full of kids. Gabrielle did take time to play 'patty cake' with me which was fun. Hope you all come visit again soon! I have to share my Grammy today with Cousin Cohen so I better show off my tricks so she claps for me too! Catch you later! ~Brody

17 May 2009

Mother's Day next door.

Mother's Day with the Bible's.

16 May 2009

Look at all the babies!

Today, we had a floor full of babies! Brody under the gym, Leo next to him and then Drew trying so hard to crawl. Holding court from her seat is Miss Colby...someone had to make sure all those boys didn't misbehave. The little mother of the crew, Gabrielle, put pacifiers in mouths, played patty cake, held bottles, put away toys, and the list goes on. Hope you all come see us again soon!

(coming soon - more pictures from today and mother's day)

I love carrots...but those green beans have got to go!

05 May 2009

Good Morning!