27 March 2013

Mini Snowman that their mama started to build.
Mega-snowman that their daddy built.

26 March 2013

Snow Day

Monday, the boys and I had an unexpected day at home together thanks to the snow. Brody requested oatmeal raisin cookies, wish granted. We finished baking those just in time to feed Kurt, Grampy and Davestorm after they cleared snow. We ventured out into the snow briefly, but short stuff Riley could barely manage in his snow pants and Brody got stuck in a drift and had to be pulled out by super hero Davestorm. We picnicked on the living room floor and watched a cartoon...big deal because we do not typically eat anywhere but a table and never watch tv when we are eating. 
I like pristine snow.  Once they started plowing the drive and our footprints littered the yard, I was ready for it to melt away!
Woody and Jesse 'mooched'
Some serious painting!
Brody-ody painted water and soil, I believe.  I remember there were sharks in the water that ate fish.
They chose to take a rest together in Riley’s bed.  Brody was just going to close his eyes for a minute.   He skipped naps all weekend so I believe he was officially worn out.  I accomplished so much while they rested.  I am positive that before we had kids I was horribly unproductive with free time.  Now it’s a self-imposed challenge to see just how much I can accomplish in a small amount of time.   It was a jam-packed day and by bed time everyone was worn out and ready to rest.   And that is what I call a success.

What a difference a day makes!

24 March 2013

Nephew #4



Meet Grant Hayden!  He was born on March 21st and weighed in at 9 pounds 5 ounces.  On Friday, the boys and I got to meet Grant.  We are still practicing saying his name, but I think everyone agrees that he is a keeper. 

Welcome to World, Grant!

Eli’s Birthday Party


We are behind, but on March 1st, Master Eli turned THREE!  Little Einstein’s is his favorite show so his mama threw him a musical party and even sent recorders home with all the boys.  Oh and check out his Red Rocket shirt that Katy made! co-broThe day after his birthday party, Eli and Riley were registered for pre-school.  Riley just needs to master this potty training thing and they will be off to school together this fall. 

18 March 2013

shaking up their supper

15 March 2013

Practice makes perfect

Welcome to the gun show!

Working guys.


Working in the dungeon with their dad is the biggest treat for these two.  They have endless tools to use, their own personal vice, which is ideal to smash the pieces of brick they gather and simple wide open spaces to just explore. 

I prefer to steer clear of the dungeon and they can’t get enough!

05 March 2013

Good morning!!

04 March 2013

singing in the tub.

Proof that Brody really does learn songs at school. He sings them often enough that Riley has even learned them.  Now if we can just convince him to sing at church too.