18 October 2010


Brody got an extra special treat on Friday...an impromptu trip to the St. Louis Zoo. 
He has had lots of breathing problems lately so we visited with a specialist who confirmed that he has unfortunately inherited my asthma and allergies.  We were told to expect a 2 1/2-3 hour visit, but it ended up only taking 90 minutes.  So, off to the zoo we went to enjoy the perfect animal viewing weather.  Brody explored so much of the zoo that he fell asleep the instant we put him in his car seat to come home.  He asked all day about Riley, so he was happy to find him at Grammy's when we got home.
The hippos were a huge hit with Brody because he could so close to them.  He wanted to splash too!

He kept asking for more elephants...well more of just about every animal really. 

 Monkeys were again a hit because he could get close to them.
Brody would motion for all the animals to come here...none really complied with his request..  Didn't stop him from trying though.
By the end of our zoo time, he was thrilled to have a lift back to the car!
I think Brody was pretty happy to have both his parents all to himself for part of the day.  He thought it was odd that I was riding and not driving though...soon enough, he will figure out that I prefer to ride/nap in the car just like him!

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