Riley made his first visit to what Kurt refers to as God's country, otherwise known as Louisville. I sometimes think it is the country that God forgot though.
Anyway, Quincy and Quade were kind enough to share a four-wheeler this weekend and let Brody go for a ride. We also all (yes, Kurt and I are dressing up for Halloween too) put on our Halloween costumes for Kurt's family. Brody was thrilled because he got some 'emy's' (m&m's)!
Brody calls his Great-Grandpa, Bobby, with lots of emphasis on the y. I might have taught him to say that in retaliation against ole Bobby, who calls me Jenny, which isn't something just anyone can get away with.
And in closing, a picture of the little guy. He definitely still lives at home and still gets up once a night. I don't mind all that much because it gives me a little extra time with him everyday. He is trying to roll from his back to his belly. Hasn't succeeded yet, but it's only a matter of time.
Oh, official last thought, Riley needs his nails trimmed. I think I have made him bleed every other time I have trimmed them, so am looking for volunteers. Hint, Hint Husband!
where is the costume picture? we won't be home this weekend... so we'll miss it :(
I only have pictures of Riley so far. When I get everyone, I will post just for you! Promise!
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