05 August 2013

Annual Picture

A note about Riley.  He has a definite opinion about what he wears.  Complete opposite of Brody, who wears whatever I lay out everyday.  The shirt above is his Grampy John shirt.  Grampy wears a t-shirt with a pocket on it everyday, thus the reason he named his shirt.  He has about six other t-shirts that make him the happiest...a Super Graham, Batman, and John Deere shirt and then three t-shirts with stripes on them.  He is wearing one of the four pair of shorts he finds acceptable.  I believe he likes this style because they have deep pockets for whatever he is gathering.  He is most likely wearing a pair of striped boxer briefs.  He has about five pair and he reaches for them every morning over any of the other pairs in his drawer.  He LOVES blue jeans.  After he was potty trained this winter, he refused to wear anything but blue jeans.  Elastic waist pants would be so much easier for him, but he refuses.  The last five days he has pulled down a pair of jeans to wear and I'm not sure if he will put shorts on the rest of the summer?  He knows where his clothes are and if something unacceptable comes downstairs in the morning, he will go upstairs and find what he wants, or this morning, he simply took upon himself to get his own clothes out and get dressed.  This is also the absolute opposite of Brody, who would live in his pajamas and occasionally has to be threatened to be left at home if he doesn't get dressed right this moment!  Church clothes are his least favorite because he can't wear his favorite stuff.  I have got to the point that I expect his tantrum and just leave options out and make him choose from what is out, but it's a fight every Sunday. 

Then there is his footwear.  The shoes above are his blue running shoes.  He named them, not I.  He got them wet one day last week and they were not dry the next day.  Holy Moly did we have a problem the next morning.  He has a pair of socks that look like candy corn and they are his absolute favorite.  Sadly the last time he wore them, he put his big toe right through the end so they are being saved in my collection of things for him.  I have convinced him that plain white short socks are okay to wear so I keep those on top for him.  He has a pair of 'lip locks', also known as flip flops that he loves, but he can't wear them to Julie's or to school, but occasionally sneaks them on for church.  After the tantrum about getting dressed, I chose not to fight him on his choice of church footwear even though he has a pair of adorable Sperry's he could wear.  His other favorite footwear would be rubber boots.  However, his jeans must never be tucked in his boots.  Brody helps him pull his jeans over boots when he gets frustrated.  Like me, he rarely is barefoot.  He likes to always have shoes of some sort on.  

His preferred accessories are his Buzz Lightyear hat, the sunglasses pictured above or a pair of swimming goggles or all three at once!  

It shall be interesting to see what he finds acceptable out of the drawers of winter clothes I have saved!

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