07 April 2013

The perfect day.


What perfect weather we had today! 

Riley started his day with a fever, but a morning nap and meds has seemed to fix him, hopefully? 

Speaking of Mr. Riley..

  • this past week he took an interest in actually driving the gator.  He always wanted to ride, but never wanted to drive.  That all changed though and now he doesn’t think Brody should ever have a chance to drive.  With the help of Noah “Hide, Riley figured out how to throw it into high and reverse. 
  • Good Friday, we FINALLY took his beloved PAC - E (PAC-E = paci) away.  It was past time…way past time actually.  We are all tired, but he doesn’t ask for one anymore and threw the remaining few away on Saturday all by himself. 
  • Last Saturday, I was ready to auction him off.  We had a horrible morning of potty training…HORRIBLE.  It ended with a pile of poo on his bedroom floor.  We put him down for his rest and the break from each other helped things improve slightly the rest of the day.  Side Note: I think he was retaliating after losing his PAC-E. 
  • This weekend the kid rocked the whole potty training thing and I do believe he is so very close to officially trained.  Woo-Hoo!  Now, we must apologize to our neighbors though.  Riley isn’t shy about dropping his pants anywhere to pee while he is outside.  So, next weekend we will work on at least going to the south side of the yard.   
  • Now that he wears undies everyday, he refuses to wear anything but jeans.  Drawstring/elastic waist pants would be so much easier to get up and down on his own, but I don’t argue with him about it because he willingly gets dressed in the morning if his jeans are out and ready. 
  • His current favorite things to eat are strawberry cereal bars, raspberries, strawberries, peanut butter & jelly and salad with ranch dressing.  Swedish fish jelly beans are his favorite special treat for successful potty training events. 
  • He can’t wait to go to school this fall with Eli.  He knows he can’t go until he is potty trained so he has been working towards that goal.  He told us he has to go to school with Eli because he loves Eli.  Can’t argue with that. 
  • He gets excited to go to Miss Julie’s now because he is the teacher.  He is teaching the boys that are just a bit younger than him the ins and outs of potty training or at least that is what he tells us.  Noah ‘Hide, Briar and Atticus are in for some enlightening lessons for sure.
  • He has hit a growth spurt lately because he could wear 24 month pants most of the winter and now needs 2T and 3T to go around his waist and for the length. 

So a whole lot of randoms about that kid.  And now I better get some rest so I am ready for his fever to spike up again or for his nightly pilgrimage from his bed to our bed.  Thankfully, each night it gets closer and closer to morning before he kicks his way in between us.  Hopefully one more week post-PAC-E will get him back to sleeping in his own bed all night again.  Until next time…

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