30 January 2011

Matching Outfits

I have a friend who LAUGHS at matching outfits.  Personally, I don't understand what is so funny.  Michelle, Katy and I grew up matching at lots of holidays.  As we grew older, we would all wear the same outfit/dress, but in different colors or wear the same sweaters with different style skirts.  Heck, my mom would even occassionally coordinate with us.  Just to prove it, I found a couple pictures to share even! 

Now, you can only look at these pictures as long as you do not make fun of the mullets Michelle and I are sporting.  When I see myself sporting the mullet in pictures, I like to think I just had very large ear to ear bangs that just appeared mullet like!

So without further ado, the matching Yakey girls...
 Christmas 1988

Christmas 1999


sara t said...

LOVE it LOVE it LOVE it --- it gives me hope that my girls will want to continue to match into their adult years!!! :-)

ps - how can Allison not LOVE matching after seeing pictures like this?!?!

The Vonderheide's said...

I don't even know what to say!

Sarah said...

Thanks Jen.. Laura & were matching often. Plus cousin Amy would match as well. Grandma Juhnke would purchase those:)
Allison, You could buy a matching outfit with Gabby. Mother/daughter

Michelle said...

I am pretty sure that my hair was not a mullet... More poodle. That is about a half a can of aqua net holding those sides back! If you go back one year it was probably a mullet though!