Blog updates have been postponed for some serious Uno on the i-Pad family time!
We spent Christmas Eve at home preparing food for our traditional dinner at Grammy's.
The Wittenberg's joined us as well as the Brehmer's. Brody made friends with Seth - such good friends that Seth let Brody open a gift for him! 
Alicia became good friends with Riley and helped him check out one of his gifts.
There's that Eli!
It was the first of many late nights for both boys. We had fun though and dinner was quite yummy!
Before bedtime, Brody got to enjoy the snow for awhile as Kurt and Grampy scooped the drive. He went to bed wanting to play in the snow and woke up asking the same thing.
We remembered to put out cookies for Santa and apples for the reindeer and off to bed we all went for a long winter's nap!
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