19 January 2009

4 week check-up

Today I went back to the doctor for a weight check and to make sure my parental units know what the heck they are doing. Dr. Dave let me come home with them, so I guess they have it figured out. It probably helped that I had gained some more weight and had grown in length. My stats today...10 pounds 4 ounces and 22 1/2 inches long! No wonder my newborn diapers and clothes were getting a little snug...I have to make a trip to Colby Kathleen's soon and deliver the rest of my newborn diapers.

Thanks for checking in on me! Sorry we have been delinquent on updating this last week, but I was busy cuddling with my mama. As always, leave me a comment or two so I know who is reading my posts and mom & dad's posts.

Catch ya later,


Anonymous said...

Brody and Cohen are training there parents quite well. Grampy and Grammy are trying to spoil the boys every chance they get. Happy to hear that Brody is filling out, but still has alot to catch up too. Good luck on that. Keep up the good work parents. Love Grampy and Grammy

Katie said...

Brody, I'm glad to hear that Dr. Dave let you go home with your mom and dad and that you are growing growing growing! :) Brinlie, Jason & I will have to come for a visit soon because the SnuggleMe won't fit you much longer at the rate you're growing. Keep the pictures and posts coming. We love them! Be nice to your mom and dad and we'll see you soon! Love, Katie, Jason & Brinlie

The Bible Family said...

Hey Durbin Family,

Come visit when you have a chance...it will probably help prompt my mom to clean the house again! No offense mom, but I can see dust bunnies on the floor when I'm hanging out in my bouncy seat.

Plus, I'm positive Brinlie wants to play blocks again.
