We rang in the new year with a diaper change!
New Year's Day turned into a very busy day for Brody. We spent most of the day at Grammy and Grampy's house and lots of visitors stopped by for a visit starting with 'Great Cousin' Emily and Brett!

Mama Merna was finally feeling better so she got to cuddle up with Brody too!
Great-Grandpa and Grandma Yakey also had to come squeeze the kids...Cohen found a comfy place to lounge for quite awhile.Thanks to Grammy, we were even styling for part of the day. However, those jeans were a treat to take on and off, so we ended up entertaining guests in a sleeper before the day was half over. Brody was literally held almost all day long, which made for a rough night for Mom and Dad!
It's just about an hour until my two week birthday. I think we will celebrate with a nap!!
Brody is lookon' good-so cute and cuddly! Looks like he has a big fan club. Hang in there Mommy and Daddy!
Cute pictures! I love his little brown and white striped blanket, and the picture of Cohen lounging cracks me up!
Brody and Cohen are so much fun. Allot of work for the parents but not for Grampy and Grammy. We so enjoy all the pictures on the sites and it makes it so easy to share with others. Thanks guys.
Love Grampy and Grammy
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