20 December 2012


Somehow our first born turned four today?!  He was so excited to go to bed last night.  He told us when he woke up he would be FOUR just like Cohen!  So if celebrating his birthday wasn’t enough, he also had a Christmas party at school, he took treats to Miss Julie’s house and then this evening he kind of participated in his school’s Christmas program.


Brody didn’t request gifts for his birthday.  Instead he wanted lego cupcakes for Julie’s and star cookies for school.  Wish granted!  We even got Grampy, who had never iced a cupcake until last night, to participate in the decoration process.  Aunt Jody will fulfill his last request on Saturday with a lego cake!


Blowing out candles at breakfast is the best!  He was so excited about his day that he couldn’t sit still to eat breakfast.  He had to be going on fumes by the time he sat down for his lunch.  A doorway full of streamers and a floor full of balloons was by far better this morning!


All spiffed up for his Christmas program.  I think he managed to pick his nose, flick his lip and sing a few words, but refused to say his line.  My sources say he said it during practice, but tonight he stood there and shook his head no when it was his turn. 


And because I never have pictures of myself with either of the boys, I include this last shot too!

Happy Fourth Birthday, Brody-ody!  

All Our Love, Mama, Daddy and Ri.

1 comment:

Sister Sara said...

Love the picture of the two of you!!