21 October 2012

combine driving

Last Saturday, the boys helped me start the fall clean up of flower beds.  They both loaded pile after pile of chopped off flowers into their gator and wagon, drove it to the dump, unloaded and came back for more.  Towards the end, they were getting bored with yard work so they turned their pile of yard debris into the their combine.  Riley is driving this particular round.  They eventually ended up fighting over who was going to be Uncle Patty, Uncle Bill, Grampy or Daddy.  It was fun to observe while it lasted!combine_driving


Sister Sara said...

Wow - I have never really had any of Brody's pictures scream KURT to me - but this one did!! Spitting image of his daddy!! Riley's face cracks me up!!!
Glad they were being good helpers, at least while it lasted!!!

The Bible Family said...

I have a picture of Kurt I need to scan...I didn't notice how much they look alike until I saw it!

Riley's face looks like that often because he is always driving something!