11 April 2012

Crewe Elliott

Mr. Crewe Elliott Jones arrived unexpectedly last night at 11:56 p.m. He is 3 1/2 weeks early but weighed in at a healthy 6 pounds 14 ounces and was 19 inches long. All are doing well. Eli thought the baby was his cousin Harper so we worked on saying Baby Brother or Baby Crewe.
Crewe gifted Eli a digger at the hospital when he first arrived.  Eli was quick to thank his brother with a kiss.  Eli only sat that digger down once while we were at the hospital and that was to drink his milk.  I believe he has a new favorite toy for awhile.
A happy, slightly tired family of four!

Welcome to the world Crewe Elliott!  I apologize in advance if I call you Cohen, Brody, Eli or Riley instead of your name! 
xoxo, aunt jen

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