The only thing Brody has wanted to do was be a working guy and go pick corn. He would ask daily if they were finished cutting beans so he could ride in the combine. He knows he can't be around beans due to his allergies, so when he heard one of the bean heads was broken he was ready to go pick corn. A couple days later, he got his wish. He was very particular about what he wore...had to be working jeans, working boots, John Deere hat, a t-shirt with a pocket just like Grampy and his dad and a working guy sweatshirt. He also had to have a lunch box, water jug, cell phone, a key, and a hankerchief. He also put a tape measure in his lunch box just in case...not sure what that was for??
At first he wanted me to come along and sit in the little seat, but then he decided that I was just to drop him off so he could work and I could just go home with Riley. Riley didn't really like that plan.
Riley finally got his turn though too. About three rounds is all he can take or maybe that's all I can take? He doesn't like to sit still so it's a challenge to keep him somewhat stationery and occupied.
He had told his Grampy that it's okay to sleep in the combine and later proved that he could indeed sleep in that little seat. 
After he woke up from his nap that day, he was ready to go back to the field. This time a surprise was waiting for him...COHEN! He had to bring his lunch box and water jug never know when you might get hungry I guess.
That day he probably logged close to 5 hours of combine time. He has since went to work again and logged a couple more hours. The last of the corn is on the agenda for tomorrow and his lunch box is already partially packed.
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