31 July 2011

our weekend.

1) Brody lost his crocs between the Strasburg park and here.  Two tone blued with a Mickey Mouse and Percy Jibbitz in them.  We will pay a reward for anyone that finds them.  They easily could be in one of his secret hiding spots for all we know. 

2) We finally have all recovered from the stomach bug we had last week.  It took until today for me to really have a normal appetite though.  Avoid whatever found us like the plague!

3) The main event of our whole weekend:  Courtney's (keke's) WEDDING!

She asked all the boys to be her ring bearers!  You are looking at a group of boys that had either completely skipped napping OR didn't nap long enough.  For instance, Brody.  He was still sleepy so he was crabby, nervous (hence the fingers in his mouth) and didn't really know what to think of his KeKe in a BIG white puffy dress.  They all made it down the aisle though and were somewhat quiet during the service....although Brody really wanted to go stand with Garett.

There seems to be lots of pictures on the camera to look at so we'll be back to share more later.   

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