25 April 2011

Well, Sara T is the only one that took a guess on Riley's weight, so she does win the grand prize and it does involve IKEA!  However, I think I'll just drop the boy's off at her house and pick them up when I get back from IKEA.  Sara, I'll have my people call your people to arrange all this!

His official nine month weight was 26 pounds even. 


Sister Sara said...

Holy Toledo - I have never won ANYTHING!!! I am so excited!
I am kind of sure that Jason can handle all 4 kids at once while we make a quick trip to Ikea... that is what you meant right?.... that I get to go along?!?! :-)

The Vonderheide's said...

Hey - can we add two more to Jason's troup? I want to go too!

The Bible Family said...

If Jason wants to watch them all, then yep it's a group trip for sure! Riley doesn't like strangers right now, but I'm sure they will become best buds eventually!!