23 August 2010

Weekend Recap

This kid had to start using Albuterol again.  BOO! 
I did manage to take both kids to the doctor's office on Friday all by myself though. 
Might have been a small task, but I felt like it was a huge accomplishment!
The World's Fair was going on in Stew this weekend.  Brody and I brought dinner home one evening from the park.  The local vineyard was selling their bottled grape soda.  Brody insisted it was juice and wanted to try it.  Kurt gave in and Brody was thrilled! 
(Please ignore the snot bubble.)
Aahhh!  Good Stuff!

Brody got a haircut too - a much needed haircut! 
He sat in the chair all by himself and let Erica cut away.Riley got in some gym time

He is starting to get some serious cheeks and rolls...although hard to tell on his legs in this picture.

Riley went for his four week well baby check up. 
He weighed in at 10 pounds 8 ounces and was 21 1/2 inches long.
He was a month old on the 19th. 

Brody was 20 months old on the 20th.  We were at the doctor that day and he weighed in at 29 pounds 3 ounces. 

Kurt and I celebrated our 6th anniversary on the 21st. 
We had a picnic at Lake Shelbyville on Sunday to celebrate.  There was a great breeze in the shade and lots of boats for Brody to watch.  There were also lots of rocks to pick up and geese to watch as well.

Next weekend will be a busy one with family pictures and baptism. 

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Riley looks like he needs some snuggle time with Cousin Courtney!