16 February 2010

To celebrate President's Day, a fabulous Federal Holiday, we did a lot of cleaning.  However, we made time to play in the snow, scatter toys from one room to the next, scrub Brody's mac and cheese infested hair, and visit our neighbors. 

Great-Uncle David S. is an avid fisherman.  He and Aunt Helen found this hat and couldn't resist. 
So, add in the Olympics and that basically sums up our weekend. 
Oh wait, we got to hear the baby's heart beat on Friday.  Such a comforting sound to hear!
Unfortunately, Brody fell into the exam table just as the doctor walked in and ended up with a bloody nose!  With a little ice and his silky, he recovered quickly!
Until next time...

1 comment:

Courtney said...

The picture of Brody and Kurt is adorable. I can't believe he fell into the table when the doctor walked in, I am sure it wasn't fun at the time but I did giggle a little when I read that. It is evidence of the craziness of children- happy to sad in 0.2 (I'm not even a mom and I know that much)! Glad to hear a bloody nose was the only outcome! Thanks for the cute pictures. Spring break is only 2 weeks away!!!!!!!