29 October 2009

This is what I found between Brody's legs after dinner...mostly a pile of green beans with brown rice.  There was, of course, more food on the perimeter of the high chair and on the floor.  Anyway, any new food or something he doesn't like goes into his mouth and then he just lets it fall right back out.

He's had those teeth for quite some time, but I have never really got a decent picture of them until tonight.  He was enjoying the camera time this eve.

The final picture from tonight...Brody's favorite new pose.  He has figured out that he can blink and so we get this face often!  Pretty sweet if you ask me.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Gabby could do the same with her 'new' foods she didn't like - she'd just open her mouth and slowly stick her tongue out and let the food just fall!

Love the 'blink' picture - need to make sure I get a good squeeze at those cheeks the next time I see him! :)