My first flight...on the flight to Fort Myers, I was awake for over half the flight. On the way home, I never knew we even left Florida and arrived in Indy. Cousin Cohen flew well too. On the way down, it was so hot on the plane, Cohen and I hung out in our onesies. Cohen filled his diaper and the excess leaked out onto Aunt Michelle's hand! Oops!
My first outdoor meal....we were hanging in the shade at a beach on Sanibel Island. It was in the upper 70's that day, but daddy was still wearing his fleece. Weirdo!
My first pair of shoes!
A happy family in the sand!
Other firsts: I met my Great-Great Uncle Frosty and Aunt Ginger for the first time. I wore my first pair of shorts that were more like capris. I also went without socks and a long sleeve onesie for the first time. I'm sure there are more, but that's all I can think of for now. My mama's back to work so our time in the blogging world is slowing down.
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