We rang in the new year with a diaper change!
New Year's Day turned into a very busy day for Brody. We spent most of the day at Grammy and Grampy's house and lots of visitors stopped by for a visit starting with 'Great Cousin' Emily and Brett!
Mama Merna was finally feeling better so she got to cuddle up with Brody too!
Great-Grandpa and Grandma Yakey also had to come squeeze the kids...Cohen found a comfy place to lounge for quite awhile.
Thanks to Grammy, we were even styling for part of the day. However, those jeans were a treat to take on and off, so we ended up entertaining guests in a sleeper before the day was half over. Brody was literally held almost all day long, which made for a rough night for Mom and Dad!
It's just about an hour until my two week birthday. I think we will celebrate with a nap!!