23 March 2011

March 7th

March 7, 2011
Day Four of Vacation
Animal Kingdom

The morning started out cold...50 degrees cold!
The sun finally peaked out around lunch time and warmed us all up.

Cohen was excited to meet Timone or was it Simone?

Brody was NOT!

The Safari...Riley eventually feel asleep.  How we don't know?  The back of the safari bus was a rough ride.  Mom and I tried to use dad as our anchor, but that wasn't really working out very well for us.   
Popcorn was consumed.

Cute kids were everywhere!

And finally there were drums to be played.

And then some little boys got sleepy...
Brody woke up with a noticeable fever and was very clingy...good thing it wasn't too hot!
We cut out early to call our pediatrician and get Brody in the bathtub to wash away the sunscreen.  His rash/sun poisoning wasn't as bad as the day before, but was still somewhat lingering and then there was that fever.  Dr. David suggested some Benadryl and air conditioning so we complied.
He doesn't look that sick though!

His fever was short lived and by the time everyone returned back to our rooms, he was ready to play and carry on.

Ulitmately we have no clue what caused him to break out, but after talking to Dr. David and him viewing a picture, he is leaning towards sun poisoning -resulting from a combination of sun/heat, sunscreen and Brody's skin.  I switched sunscreens and no other problems occurred while we were gone!

So there you go, two days at Disney that were thrilling yet exhausting! 
Next up, the 'sandpile'!! 

1 comment:

The Vonderheide's said...

Someone should have claimed 'pregnant' to get a better seat on the safari...at least a less bumpy seat! :)