28 August 2009

All is well.

Yesterday, we checked Brody into St. Louis Children's Hospital Same Day Surgery at 6 a.m. Although it was a super early morning for us, Brody didn't seem a bit fazed. His surgery was scheduled for 7:30 a.m., so Kurt and I had 90 minutes worth of distracting to do. No food for a boy who is accustomed to having his first bottle polished off by 6:30 at the latest was the biggest hurdle to cross, but we made it with very few battle wounds. Handing your baby off to his a nurse and anesthesiologist isn't easy, but we made it through that as well. He was back in our arms shortly after 9:00 and was said to be the champ in the recovery room. When they wheeled him into us, he was on his second little bottle of pedialyte and was ready for a real bottle. We were headed for home by 10:00 and Brody never knew we left Missouri.

Although he was a bit groggy from the pain meds, he was still ready for some play time once we got home. He had a good nights sleep last night and has been full of it today. Oh, he had to be weighed yesterday as well, so he now weighs 9.875 kilos, which converts to roughly 21 1/2 pounds! Chunky Monkey!!

24 August 2009


To celebrate our anniversary, we left Brody with Grammy and Grampy and headed south. Kurt detoured on our way to Nashville through Shawnee National Forrest. We stopped at Cave In Rock and then took the ferry across the Ohio River. I'm not a huge fan of bridges, but I'm not sure how much I love a ferry either.

Cave In Rock
Kurt loves old counry music. So, we went to the Opry Friday night and spent Saturday night in downtown Nashville listening to all the local wannabes. It was so nice to have a couple days to ourselves, but Brody was never far from our thoughts. So, Sunday morning we were up early and ready to head for home. I'm not sure Brody even missed us!

self-portraits are always lovely!

So Happy Anniversary Lovey!

23 August 2009

Sit back and relax because we have a lot to catch up on!

The power outage Wednesday night sent us out to the front porch for some swinging before the fierce rains blew through. The power outage also put a hault to our daily posting goal for the last week. So, we'll make up for it tonight.... I like to hang upside down from any willing lap!

Pictures below are from the State Fair...Cousin Cohen was supervising Grammy and Grampy for a couple days so they met us as well. We didn't make it the whole day like we were planning, but all in all a fun day.

The rest of the pictures are just fun times!

So, hopefully we will get back with a post about why I spent my first two nights away from my parents this weekend very soon. We had a happy reunion today! Thanks for checking in on me. Leave me a comment so I have encouragement to post again! Sleep Tight ~ Brody

18 August 2009

Truck Pull

I was entranced with all the pre-truck pull activity unto my ears were covered due to the noise when the actual pull started. Luckily Mommy, Aunt Katy, Grammy and Grampy were there to entertain me as well!

Uncle Chris won the pull at Altamont...look at him go!

17 August 2009

Whew...we have had two busy weeks mostly because my mama has been working long hours to get everyone signed up in ACRE. There wasn't time for much outside of play time with me and sleep. Daddy put in lots of hours of time with me and doing chores around the house! So, everything should be back to 'normal' again and we can get everyone updated on my life. This weekend Daddy finally got his BIG blue truck out so I could take it for a spin. You can see just how cute I looked below. I'm hanging with the Jones' boys today and off to the State Fair tomorrow. This weekend is my first sleepover at Grammy and Grampy's house! My social calendar is just overflowing!! Be back soon ~ Brody

02 August 2009

Happy Guy!