29 April 2011

Easter 2011

egg hunting - all had coins or fresh fruit in them. 
the boys are all young enough that finding a strawberry or blueberry in an egg was just fine with them.
 riley chose to sleep instead of hunting eggs at grammy and grampy's house.

 the great-grandchildren. 
natalie was born january 1.  the first girl in a streak of boys.
please note that riley, eli and cohen all weigh just about the same.   
brittney will be the next to add to the family. 
my guess is, that come july, brittney and zach will be seeing pink!
and here we are.
note: brody's green boots were not worn to church, although he would have preferred them to boat shoes!  also note that kurt wouldn't wear a bow tie. 

26 April 2011

dinner conversation

As we were eating some fresh corn on the cob this evening, Brody and I had this convo.

Brody: Riley have teeth?
Me: No, not yet.
Brody:  Do I have teeth? 
Me: Yes you have teeth, silly.  Do you want to count them?
Brody: 1, 2, 5.  Go grocery shopping for Riley's teeth?
Me: If only it were that easy...

25 April 2011

Well, Sara T is the only one that took a guess on Riley's weight, so she does win the grand prize and it does involve IKEA!  However, I think I'll just drop the boy's off at her house and pick them up when I get back from IKEA.  Sara, I'll have my people call your people to arrange all this!

His official nine month weight was 26 pounds even. 

24 April 2011

Easter Preperations.

19 April 2011

brody's new talent.

so sunday afternoon, kurt could hear riley waking up.  before he could get upstairs to get him, he heard a boom and then little feet padding down the hall.  the next thing he knew there was a little voice saying 'riley awake!' in the monitor which was followed by all kinds of happy squeals.  same thing happened yesterday and this morning.  when you ask him how he gets out, he lifts his leg and says, 'like this!'  i do believe kurt will be converting his crib to a toddler bed tonight. 


riley is NINE months old today.
he had his well baby visit yesterday.
can you guess what he weighed?

12 April 2011

Tree Planting 101

 Brody and Kurt planted 25 trees on Sunday.  Someday they will make a great wind break...someday. 

 Being outside most of the day was the perfect distraction from all of Brody's 'people' going home!
Brody's pre-bath in the kitchen sink before he could venture further into the house.
He was one dirty boy after all that digging!

In other breaking news, Riley has a double ear infection.  Doesn't seem to be bothering him, outside of a little fever Friday night.  He weighed in at 25 pounds 8 ounces.  So, he has just been maintaining his figure the last couple months and not really gaining weight. 

Ta-Ta for now.

10 April 2011

Weekend Guests

My dear friend from college, Tracy, came to visit with her kids for the weekend.  Her hubby was gone and Kurt is working some long hours right now so having someone to assist in the entertainment department is always appreciated.  Allison brought her kids in and then offered to make dinner, which was AWESOME! 
 Noah V.
 Maggie and Riley
Drew, Brody and Gabrielle

Gabrielle was an excellent role model to everyone, but especially to Brody and Drew.  She loaded them up in the wagon and pulled them around, gave them fun ideas on differnt things to play and never once complained that she had to play with little boys that were half her age.  She and her mom even convinced Brody to eat mashed potatoes at dinner - quite the accomplishment!!  Noah is one lucky little guy to have her as a BIG sister. 

Drew and Brody became the best of buds.  We never once had to break up a fight over a toy or listen to a toddler meltdown!   They are a dangerous duo to put in the bathtub together.  I think the floor and myself ended up just as wet as the two of them. 

Maggie and Riley just squealed at each other.  Maggie did try to teach Riley how to crawl, but Riley didn't show much interest.  That's a lot of baby boy blubber to get up and moving! 

Brody asked several times today where 'his people' were, so  I think you are all invited back again - soon!

04 April 2011


Riley's Room

Mr. Riley slept in his OWN room last night!  It's pretty stark in there, but that doesn't effect sleeping because we never heard him once last night!

Brody played a large part in getting this room finished too.  Every night, we would gather his tools, which included a tape measure that measured everything exactly two inches long (don't believe me, ask him the next time you see him how long something is), an old cordless drill without a battery pack, and a box of play wooden tools.  The other key accessory was his froggie boots.  Yesterday he helped move Riley's 'stuff' to his room, making endless trips carrying an item at a time and strategically placing them around the room.  We left most everything right where he placed it too...at least for now.

So how about a WOOP -- WOOP for our remodeling team!