28 February 2011

four boys

Take One: Cohen was saying CHEESE! Eli and Brody couldn't figure out how Riley was magically floating in the air.
 Take Two: Stone Sober but at least all looking.
 Take Three:  Birthday Boy Eli smiling and Cohen coughing.  The Bible boys were not into smiling at all!
Take Four:  Cohen super excited, Eli getting his grin on and those Bible Boys still not digging it!


 We put them in the bath together for the first time Saturday. 
After the stare down (we think Riley won) all was well.

Riley wiggles his hips the whole time he is laying down to bathe.  It is quite comical to see all his chubby rolls wiggling around.  He just laughs at us like we are the crazy ones not partaking in this fun activity.
Then there is Brody.  His main goal when taking a bath is to see how wet he can make our clothes and arms. 

Our freshly bathed boys are tucked in for the night...seems like a good idea for myself too!

23 February 2011

A conversation with Brody

Please excuse my annoying voice in this clip.  He needed some prompting though!

20 February 2011

Just a swinging...

7 months old

Saturday marked Riley's seventh month.  He still weighs in right around 24 pounds.  Twelve month clothes are getting tight.  However, he is becoming more and more active.  The exersaucer is a favorite place to hang out...and boy does he jump!  His head is constantly pivoting around watching Brody.  On his belly, he can back himself up usually until he gets his legs stuck under the couch.  In the food department, he has mastered eating fresh fruit in the mesh bag thingy, can hold his own sippy cup, but can't always get it tilted up enough to drink, and now eats puffs.  He is quite capable of sleeping all night, but doesn't like to give us that joyous experience very routinely.  Someday...

19 February 2011


So, Riley STILL sleeps in our room. 
It's time for him to have his own space...past time actually.
With the help of Uncle Justin, Uncle Chris, and Grampy John, Kurt was able to start and complete phase 1 & 2 of Riley's room last weekend.  We had a dance party to celebrate. 
 The day we ordered our first window, I lost sleep for days over the exterior color choice we made.  However, I think it was one of the best decisions we ever made. 
15 windows down, 8 windows in the original house left to go!
YAY for demo, a new window, new wiring and insulation!  Dry wall might just go up this week too.  Mr. Bible sure knows how to rock a project!

15 February 2011

10 February 2011

a rubberbanded physique!

07 February 2011

Two Sided Snowman

Thanks to Aunt Helen and Uncle David for helping complete the snowman!
He was quite the charming for both houses to enjoy.
Hopefully, there aren't any more chances to make snowmen this winter.

06 February 2011


We survived the ice storm this past week and thankfully never lost power! 
Lately, Brody has mastered climbing into Riley's crib.  In the picture below, Brody had just woken up and wanted to check on Riley.  He isn't exactly pleasant some mornings if you don't give him the proper time to wake up.  This morning, I hadn't given the proper amount of wake up time before I pulled out the camera.  He forgot about it soon enough.
 Riley is sitting up on his own really well these days.  He has LOTS of ticklish spots and contagious belly laughts!
 Brody and Kurt have finally started working on Riley's room.  Brody insists on working with Kurt on the weekends or in the evenings.  He has his own tape measure now and a drill (without a battery or drill bit).  The plan, according to Brody, is to do a lot of measuring.  Kurt's plan is to take the room down to the stud, re-wire, install a new window, insulate, drywall, paint, install trim, and all of that without making one extra particle of dust in the rest of the house!  So that last part might be a wee bit far fetched, but a girl can dream.