06 February 2011


We survived the ice storm this past week and thankfully never lost power! 
Lately, Brody has mastered climbing into Riley's crib.  In the picture below, Brody had just woken up and wanted to check on Riley.  He isn't exactly pleasant some mornings if you don't give him the proper time to wake up.  This morning, I hadn't given the proper amount of wake up time before I pulled out the camera.  He forgot about it soon enough.
 Riley is sitting up on his own really well these days.  He has LOTS of ticklish spots and contagious belly laughts!
 Brody and Kurt have finally started working on Riley's room.  Brody insists on working with Kurt on the weekends or in the evenings.  He has his own tape measure now and a drill (without a battery or drill bit).  The plan, according to Brody, is to do a lot of measuring.  Kurt's plan is to take the room down to the stud, re-wire, install a new window, insulate, drywall, paint, install trim, and all of that without making one extra particle of dust in the rest of the house!  So that last part might be a wee bit far fetched, but a girl can dream.

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