23 August 2009

Sit back and relax because we have a lot to catch up on!

The power outage Wednesday night sent us out to the front porch for some swinging before the fierce rains blew through. The power outage also put a hault to our daily posting goal for the last week. So, we'll make up for it tonight.... I like to hang upside down from any willing lap!

Pictures below are from the State Fair...Cousin Cohen was supervising Grammy and Grampy for a couple days so they met us as well. We didn't make it the whole day like we were planning, but all in all a fun day.

The rest of the pictures are just fun times!

So, hopefully we will get back with a post about why I spent my first two nights away from my parents this weekend very soon. We had a happy reunion today! Thanks for checking in on me. Leave me a comment so I have encouragement to post again! Sleep Tight ~ Brody

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Love the pictures. Keep 'em coming. I miss you guys already!