17 August 2009

Whew...we have had two busy weeks mostly because my mama has been working long hours to get everyone signed up in ACRE. There wasn't time for much outside of play time with me and sleep. Daddy put in lots of hours of time with me and doing chores around the house! So, everything should be back to 'normal' again and we can get everyone updated on my life. This weekend Daddy finally got his BIG blue truck out so I could take it for a spin. You can see just how cute I looked below. I'm hanging with the Jones' boys today and off to the State Fair tomorrow. This weekend is my first sleepover at Grammy and Grampy's house! My social calendar is just overflowing!! Be back soon ~ Brody


Nick and Kelly McCormick said...

Yeah! More posts of Brody coming soon! Can't wait to see what you've been up to!

Allison said...

Gabby is ECSTATIC that he is coming over to play on Friday! She has a 'to do' list of everything she wants to do with him! I'm pretty sure Beauty shop is on the list - thankfully his hair isn't long enough for curlers and she doesn't have access to real finger nail polish - only fake!

The Bible Family said...

Brody needs some attention to the top of his head! A little cradle cap still exists and I haven't taken the time to put some baby oil on it and comb it out. Maybe Beautician Gabrielle can take care of that for us! :)