On Sunday, my cousin Andrew received his Eagle Scout Badge. In order to receive his ranking as Eagle Scout, he had to earn a minimum of 21 merit badges (he had at least 30), complete a service project, and go before a board for review. He did his service project at the Raptor Center in Decatur and thus received the honor of having an eagle present at his ceremony. I can't imagine the hours he and his parents have put into earning the Eagle Scout ranking. Quite the accomplishment. We are so very proud of you, Andrew!!
27 March 2012
22 March 2012
21 March 2012
dare devil
For Christmas, B got a spiffy two wheeled bike without pedals. It's to help him learn how to balance and just skip the training wheel stage. I believe he has figured it out because he can go a scootin' on it.
(Side Note: I do make him wear a helmut, but he briefly escaped last night without one.)
I think riding the bike was on Riley's agenda!
Shorts in March...CRAZY!
20 March 2012
magnolia tree
we had a request for pictures of the magnolia trees blooming. i kind of missed the majority of the trees, but there was a cute kid underneath them just having fun.
i asked riley to go play/stand by brody...wasn't on his agenda though.
15 March 2012
Monster Jam
A couple weekends ago, we were all in Indianapolis to attend Monster Jam and visit the Children's Museum. Brody and Cohen did sit and watch quite a bit. Riley climbed up and down the stairs by our group of seats and would sweep through the suite for nourishment quite frequently. Eli wasnt sure about all that noise...he sat inside the whole time on top of the counter and watched. He had no desire to step outside, but he watched quite intently as each truck did it's thing.
I guess my boys were still hyped up after the event because it took forever for us to get them to sleep. Brody was excited to sleep on the pull out couch in our room and Riley thought he should sleep there too. We apologize to anyone at Embassy Suites Downtown that had to listen to him squawk when he was removed from Brody's bed. It wasn't pretty!
In the end, we survived Monster Jam, hopefully without any hearing loss.
12 March 2012
Eli's 2nd Birthday
I think it's a good thing that Eli had a cake all to himself because that's a big streamer of little boy spit attacking that cake!
He was very excited that it was his happy birthday and knew just what to do with his cake, candles, and presents!
Cohen was excited to eat chocolate cupcakes.
Brody was excited to get to play at Eli's house...he loves their basement!
Riley...well Riley was excited to have an audience to smile at.
Eli practiced his sharing skills with Harper and please notice the baby hog, Grandpa Yakey, is not holding Harper!
But, he was back to chatting up Harper before long!
Hope you had a great birthday, Eli!
05 March 2012
brody decided that i needed more legos for my birthday so we could build the BIGGEST TOWER EVER! so off to the wal-marts we went for more blocks. we built a ten foot tower that crashed twice before we achieved success. brody tried to stabilize it, but we were out of blocks so i guess we need more blocks now to build a stable tower?
riley ensured we were all protected from tumbling legos by distributing hard hats to everyone. good thing we have a captain safety in the house!

two of his favorites...
books and trains.
i guess it's technically three of his favorite things because his paci is in two of the three pictures and he does love his paci.
02 March 2012
01 March 2012
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