28 November 2010


21 pounds 4 ounces worth of cheeks!

I happened to love the little cardigan he had on today for church. 
It made his blue eyes pop!

27 November 2010


Four month stats:

21 pounds 4 ounces
26 inches long
These stats make him off the charts!  Carry him for very long and you will realize this!

Riley doesn't love tummy time, but does love to pass toys from hand to hand and has started to reach for things that dangle over him in his gym.  He is so close to rolling over, but like our pedetrician said, that's a lot of body to get to roll over! 

He still doesn't sleep through the night...might be why I haven't taken many pictures lately or shared any pictures. Kurt and I are just pooped out. 

On a Brody side not:  He is excited about Santa this year...he doesn't grasp the concept of Santa yet, but wants him to come home!

20 November 2010

they didn't really cooperate!

We are back...

Sorry for the short hiatus, but Kurt abandoned us went hunting.  The Sunday before he left, the washing machine quit working.  So, for eleven days I without a washing machine.  He offered me a wash board to do my laundry by hand or a roll of quarters before he left.  I opted to out source instead.  We have to thank Grammy, MaMa Merna, Aunt Helen and Grandpa & Grandma Yakey for the use of their machines!  
Meet my new best friends:
Laundry has never been so much fun

Anyway, while was Kurt was in Missouri, the boys and I were in survival mode.  I didn't take any pictures, I didn't cook much and somehow I didn't sleep much either.  Thank goodness Brody LOVES PB & J now.  Another thank you goes out to Allison and Gabrielle, who offered to take Brody with them to get groceries.  They ended up feeding us spaghetti that night as well!  THANK YOU! 

An even bigger thanks goes out to Aunt Helen and David - they watched the boys while I spoke at a DAR event.  For any Gilmore Girl fans, I was definitely channeling my inner Emily Gilmore!  Hopefully the boys didn't wear you out too much!

Oh and finally, Brody started to ask to go potty while Kurt was gone.  He doesn't always remember, but at this point, we are just testing the waters and will continue to wear diapers.  He gets M & M's as a reward for going and doesn't let you forget it!

Kurt is at least home this weekend hunting and shows up for lunch, dinner, bedtime, and of course overnight.  That overnight thing is pretty important some nights!

11 November 2010

Little Boys in Striped Sleepers!


 In the last two days, all I have heard is I need to update the blog. So instead of going to bed, here I sit updating the blog, specifically for Courtney Ann, Allison and Sarah G.  I expect comments of some sort from you girls!  I also expect a wedding date, Corky!

02 November 2010

Saturday Morning...

01 November 2010

Pumpkin Carving 2010

 It was all innocent fun until Kurt got ahold of Mr. Pumpkin!  Could this be a sign that I should pay more attention to my hubby?