29 October 2009

This is what I found between Brody's legs after dinner...mostly a pile of green beans with brown rice.  There was, of course, more food on the perimeter of the high chair and on the floor.  Anyway, any new food or something he doesn't like goes into his mouth and then he just lets it fall right back out.

He's had those teeth for quite some time, but I have never really got a decent picture of them until tonight.  He was enjoying the camera time this eve.

The final picture from tonight...Brody's favorite new pose.  He has figured out that he can blink and so we get this face often!  Pretty sweet if you ask me.

28 October 2009

I have lots of pictures I could post, but Brody is in his Halloween costume in each and every one of them.  And, we can't be giving away his costume to those who we haven't visited yet!  

So, a little Brody *update* will just have to do.  Let's see a new accomplishment - he knows how to climb stairs.  He first did this for Aunt Helen last week while they played together.  She tried to get him to show me when I walked over to get him, but alas, he wouldn't.  So, this morning, Kurt let him go through the door to the front staircase just to let him explore a bit before they left for work.  Brody got to the bottom of the stairs and looked up and then looked through the door at the bottom of the stairs into a sunroom.  Two stairs down and he would in the sunroom...although it might have been a rough tumble down...or lots of stairs to go up.  He chose to go up and made it up five before he decided to turn around and smile at his da-da.  Hoping I can catch him in action on video someday soon!

He's eating more and more table foods...last night he tried some whole grain spaghetti noodles and loved them.  Gabrielle loved them too because she finished her bowl of pasta before anyone else at the table.  Brody had some yogurt so Gabrielle had to have some yogurt.  Sounds like she doesn't eat yogurt for her parents though.  Monkey see, monkey do?!

Pictures or at least a link to Brody's six to nine month album will be coming soon.

26 October 2009

A real time update

Brody is busy picking corn with his Grammy and Grampy. However, when Kurt went by in the auger cart this round, Brody was sound asleep on his Grammy's lap. Such is the life of a ten month old!

25 October 2009

20 October 2009

Date: Sunday
Location:  Brody's crib
Brody was feeling:  Pooped! 
It took a lot of energy to talk ALL the way through church. 
{Luckily the loudest moments were camoflauged by singing!}

Date: Sunday after the nap
Location:  the sitting room/office
Brody was feeling:  Lucky
Lucky because his mom had the camera out and wasn't as quick at saying no when he went for everything that he wasn't supposed to have.  No, No, No is a very common phrase around our parts these days.

19 October 2009

Waving bye to his Dad!

Brody loves to look out the windows, well and for that matter, lick them as well.  However, at this particular moment in time, Kurt had just walked by the window on the way to his truck and played peek with Brody and then drove by in his truck, so I think Brody was waiting for him to peek again!

14 October 2009

A Weekend in Virginia.

On Thursday night, Katy, Brody, and I set out in the rain for St. Louis. We met up with Mom, Michelle, and Cohen and spent a somewhat sleepless night there. Early the next morning, we departed for the airport. After being wisked right into a short security line, thanks to the kiddos, we sat anxiously waiting for our flight to Richmond, VA. A great tail wind had us to Richmond in about 90 minutes and right into 85 degree temps! We spent the weekend exploring Richmond and Colonial Williamsburg. We saw a lot more, but I didn't seem to get many pictures taken.

The Capital Building at Colonial Williamsburg
The Wilton House in Richmond on the James River...I had to cut my tour short because Brody pooped for the 4th and then shortly there after the 5th time for the day. Delightful!

Aunt Katy...our roommate and flying partner for the weekend. Hopefully she is rested up after chasing after two boys all weekend and getting woke up at night by dear Brody playing in his crib.

Cohen planning his great escape from the stroller...

Checking out the horses...Cohen knows what noise they make. It's pretty cute! ;)

My navigator.

Brody didn't do much in the lines of napping this weekend. Why would you want to sleep when the minute you crawl close to your cousin, he runs away. It was the best game ever in Brody's mind it seemed. Poor Cohen would crawl up the nearest person's leg to escape the buster named Brody!

Watching the planes at Richmond International Airport. Brody had so much fun exploring the airport that he fell asleep the minute we settled into our seats on the plane.

So, all in all, a great trip! Happy to be home though and Brody was super happy to see his da-da-da!

Thanks for checking in on us.

Coming soon...video of Mr. B. crawling and pulling up to anything he can get his mits on!

06 October 2009

Brody cracks us up!

05 October 2009

The Great Pumpkin Patch

Grammy's Birthday

My mom, a.k.a. Grammy, celebrated another year yesterday. The most important people made it into the picture.

01 October 2009

Today I Eat Cake...

that's what his bib said, but Cohen had no desire to eat the chocolate yumminess that his mama baked for him.