28 January 2011

Trading Up?

Tonight, Brody traded in his paci's for a deer.  Yep, Brody now has one of Kurt's deer hanging in his room.  That deer will scare me everytime I walk into his room for the next few weeks!  I guess being rid of the paci is worth being scared. 

We were anticipating a screaming marathon out of him because he was quite attached to his paci and for that matter, we were quite dependent on it as well at night time.  Thankfully, after just a few minutes of crying for his paci, he got over it and went to sleep.

Now, on to potty training...


The Vonderheide's said...

Yeah Brody! So glad to hear it went well! Hoping the next couple days go just as well for everyone!

The Bible Family said...

So far so good! Granted he still asks for it, but doesn't break down into tears.