06 January 2011

Christmas with Grammy and Grampy

I think we ate all day...
   and when we weren't eating, we were busy playing. 
 Eventually, they changed out of their matching pajamas and found their way to the gifts. 
 Even Eli found his way into the piles of gifts.
 A top gift....the $10 shopping carts.  Brody and Cohen shopped their way through Grammy's house the rest of the day and into the next day as well.
 Grandpa and Grandma Yakey helped entertain Riley.
 Another top gift was water goggles for our trip to the beach later this year.  Brody prefers to call them goo-goo goggles like Dr. Seuss does in the ABC book.

Eli and Grampy hanging out in Grampy's new chair. 
Uncle Justin excited about his gift!

Another gift that was a hit was Cohen's beloved Bobcat.  He was super excited to receive the first and second one!  I guess great minds think alike when it came to a gift for Cohen!
And that ends our Christmas extravaganza!

I failed to get a picture of the four of us together on Christmas.  Boo!

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