09 December 2008

Progress in 'Billy Bob's' room...

Bro-in-law Justin working hard or hardly working?
Bro-in-law Chris sporting two sweet shades of denim! Shouldn't poke fun because he was working hard!

Our room, which is much larger than the picture lets on, looking towards my, I mean our closet/dressing room. Our room is painted Grassland, which is a grayish green, not minty likes it appears in the picture.
{I'm sure my interior designer sisters love my description of the paint}
'Billy Bob's' room, which is missing a brown stripe yet. There are two lovely windows to the right as well.
Kurt put the last coat of urethane on this morning, so hopefully by the time the house airs out today and tomorrow, we can sleep at home tomorrow night. Not that my parents haven't been more than accomodating, but I miss our bed. It's much taller than the one we are using at mom's, so in the middle of the night I can just kind of roll out of bed instead of hoisting this large and in charge body out of bed to trot (okay so maybe I waddle a bit) to the potty!


Anonymous said...

The floors look awesome! I can't wait to come see them... and help clean them!! :)

Katie said...

The rooms look GREAT! I am so jealous of those floors. Love the blog...so does Jason. We can't wait to meet 'Billy Bob'. Hang in there!