28 July 2014

Best pals

They call each other Co and Bro!  They are off to Kindergarten in less than a month.  They share a love for Legos and the great outdoors.
Riley and Eli.  They act like brothers and really do have the best time together.  They do have to reminded about a major rule more often than the others: do not touch each other!  What one doesn't think of, the other does.
Harper and Crewe.  These two could easily wear you out. As the middle children, they have joined their dad's and I in our exclusive middle sibling club.  They will appreciate the support in the years to come.
Sir Grant.  You can hold him as long as he does not see his mama.  If she is in view, then she is all he wants.  I think he is quite possibly going to be the tallest out of the whole gang.  
And then there is sweet Baby Adalynn.  She will grow up in the blink of an eye and will be right in on the action before we are all ready for it.  

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