20 December 2010

Choo-Choo Brody is TWO!

Today at 3:36 pm, Brody turned TWO!  He celebrated this weekend with a little party, complete with a Thomas the Tank Engine cake. 

A few things about Brody:
1)  He can flash the biggest smile
2)  He can give the best hugs and kisses if the mood strikes him.
3)  He can throw the most spectacular tantrum.
4)  He wakes up every morning asking for his mommy, daddy and Riley. 
5)  He has to go see Daddy's deer every night before bedtime to tell them 'night, night!'
6)  He still likes to be rocked to sleep on occassion.
7)  He LOVES to read books - his top favorites right now, I am Bunny, Dr. Seuss ABC's and Secret Santa.
8)  He LOVES tractors, trains, and legos.
9)  M & M's are one of his favorite treats and are what he wants Santa to bring him!
10) He still wants his paci at night, to be exact his blue paci.  Kurt and I said until the age of two he could have it, but we are becoming 'those' parents and letting him still use it.  Mostly because we don't think we can afford to lose anymore sleep.  Yep, we are pathetic like that.

Happy Birthday Brody!! 


Courtney said...

Too sweet. He is sure loved by me!

Henson Family said...

We are those pathetic parents too-but he only has it at bedtime. Maybe when his little sister starts sleeping thru the night we can start the weaning process...