29 June 2010

My complaints...

Granted, I have no experience in bagging groceries, but I have common sense.  Putting my eggs below anything at all is not going to work out nine times out of ten.  Just to prove my theory, you should look in my egg carton right now!  I also am a systematic shopper.  I stack my cart so everything similar is together.  I'm probably a weirdo for that, but that's just how I roll.  So, you would think that bagging my groceries should be easy because everything is together.  Not the case on a typical trip to the store though.  When shopping on the weekend or in the evening, it's not a big deal.  When shopping over lunch, bagging my black beans and oatmeal with grapes and bananas is not acceptable.  Black beans and oatmeal can stay in the vehicle, bananas and grapes can't.  So, what do I have to do, but re-bag my groceries, in the heat nonetheless, so I can get them inside the office and not take up too much space in the fridge. 

Another downfall to shopping in the middle of the day in the middle of the week is senior citzs!  I'm very respectful of those further advanced in years than myself, but there are times that they seem to think they have earned more respect than I am willing to dish out.  For instance, again at the grocery store, a husband/wife duo were shopping the meat case.  They had their cart in the middle of the meat case and were standing on either side of the case.  I was trying to be patient and just wait at the end so I could pick up the one piece of meat I needed.  Well, the Mrs. of the couple didn't appreciate me blocking the end of the meat case as I waited and had the audacity to glare at me because I was in her way!  Seriously?! 

As a disclaimer, I think pregnancy had really gotten to me the day I was shopping.  Things that typically wouldn't have bothered me, just ticked me off.  It didn't help that I work and live with thermostat Nazi's and the thermostat at home was turned up so I had woke up physically sweating in the middle of the night and Phil had the thermostat set at 80 here on a 95 degree day.  I work in a brick building and sit on the west side of said brick building so the afternoons can get rather toasty when the sun is blaring hot. 

Yesterday I was asked yet again, are you sure you aren't carrying twins?  Do I seriously look that BIG? 


Anonymous said...


Henson Family said...

Amen sister! I feel like the more I progress with this pregnancy, the more my patience is running thin...and no, you do not look that big! Take care - you are on a shorter countdown than me!

Sheryl said...

Sorry Jen, but this made me laugh! Maybe it's the heat, or maybe the screaming 10 month old that's stressing me out, (lord knows I'm not pregnant) but you got me to smile on this post! :) Hope it gets better soon!

The Bible Family said...

Well, I can laugh about the grocery shopping experience myself now, but the thermostat Nazi's - simply not a laughing matter!

My countdown is coming to a quick end, so I think I can make it without injuring someone else...I think!